Spread the Word

Spread The Word

Without support, co-operation and sponsorship, this project can not be financed. Therefore, we are looking for you!

There are several ways to support this campaign. Sure, there is something for you too!

Dog Entrepreneur

Dog Entrepreneur  (Trainer / Training School / Dogwalker/ Physiotherapist / Boarding Kennels…)  can help spread the campaign via their websites, social media and printed materials – without actual investment. 

A link can be published on their website and along with the campaign logo, displayed prominently on their footer or homepage. 

Since it’s an IBH initiative, the members of IBH are listed automatically.

In addition, we will link matching articles and blog posts to the cartoons after previous review. These give interested parties the opportunity to immerge deeper into the world of modern dog training – and at the same time increase your degree of popularity and exposure.


Supporters are associations and programs that help spread the campaign via their website, social media und print media – without investing themselves.

They are named as supporters with their logo on the campaign website, as well as linked to, and integrated into, various print media (e.g. flyers, banners).

  • „Trainieren statt Dominieren“ (D) 
  • „Initiative für gewaltfreies Hundetraining“ (CH)
  • „Vereinigung Österreichischer Hundeverhaltens TrainerInnen“ (VÖHT) (A)
  • „Sprich Hund“ (D)
  • „Der Hundeflüsterer Pro & Contra“ (D)
  • „Qualitätsnetzwerk Schulbegleithunde e.V.“ (D)

Cooperation partners

Cooperation partners are companies and/or associations/initiatives etc., which support the campaign by providing resources for its implementation.

They are named as cooperation partners with their logo on the website, as well as linked and integrated into various print media (e.g. flyers, banners).

  • „Kynos“ –  book release
  • „Hey-Fiffi“ – provision of video clipss
  • „Dogtari“- cartoons 


Sponsors are persons and businesses (not only) from the dog industry. 

Depending on their sponsorship contribution, they receive differentiated consideration – depending on the package chosen.

Advertising Partners

Advertising Partners support the campaign by …

Individualised packages are available for this purpose. Please contact us!