
Gold sponsors:

Mirjam Cordt – DOG InForm

Mirjam Cordt and DOG-InForm, a center of expertise for dogs and their people, stand since the start in the year 2000 for caring for dogs, which is characterized by mindfulness, empathy, understanding of behaviour-special dogs and sustainable success. Mirjam Cordt DOG InForm DOG InForm auf Facebook

Silver sponsors:


New tile look in bathroom and kitchen in no time at alls and very easy. At FoLIESEN there is online a large selection of high-quality yet affordable tile stickers! FoLIESEN FoLIESEN at Facebook


Dog training and behavioral therapy with heart & mind Individual, contemporary and non-violent dog training, based on the latest kynological findings. Wide-ranging, well-founded specialist knowledge coupled with positive motivation, loving consistency and fairness, make successful dog training based on trust and friendly leadership possible.  www.pfotenlesen.de Pfotenlesen on Facebook

Bronze sponsors:

Hundeschule vom Knottenwäldchen

Training humans and dogs – since 2001 in Hofheim-Langenhain (in the Main-Taunus-Kreis area) Hundeschule vom Knottenwäldchen Hundeschule vom Knottenwäldchen at Facebook

Hundeschule Bilz

„Together becoming Heroes“ in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis area! We offer intimidation-free training and private lessons in English, French and Turkish. Hundeschule Bilz Hundeschule Bilz at Facebook

Restaurant Eumel

Hüetlinstr. 23, 78462 Konstanz Restaurant Eumel at Facebook

Hundeberatungszentrum Werdohl

Every human and his dog are separate personalities, regardless of their origin, age, race, sex, education and performance. Learn ways to educate your dog to be a reliable companion through positive reinforcement and to overcome the small or big difficulties of living together. Hundeberatungszentrum Werdohl Hundeberatungszentrum Werdohl at Facebook